The little girl showed her teacher a picture she painted of a tree. The tree was purple. The teacher said, "Sweetheart, I've never seen a purple tree, now have I?"
"Oh?" said the little girl. "That's too bad."
For a child, there are no limits to imagination.
When we become adults...
Also see later blog entry on Imagination.
(Picture credit) Jakaranda Tree
This is the line of speech I got from my mom as a child...vividly. Ironically, my favorite tree is in fact purple--purple mountain laurel, Crimson King (Norway Maples), Purple Rain Birch, Purple Leaf Filbert. I know Wisteria and Double Purple Trumpet aren't trees but as a child...they were to me. Not until about 5 years ago, creativity opened up to me happily...DUH MOMENT...it's perfect okay to play, to imagine, to be free. My inner child escape years of bondage!!!! YIPPY!!!! Thanks for another thoughtful post, Laura!
J'adore cet arbre, et la petite histoire qui l'accompagne!
J'ai eu un peu le même problème lorsque j'étais enfant : J'avais brodé pour ma grand-mère un porte-serviette avec deux bouquets de violettes; seulement, j'avais brodé les violettes en tons de vert, et les feuilles en violet! Je trouvais cela plus drôle!
Jocelyne - that is what it is all about!
Merci beaucoup for sharing your delightful story - you enabled me to see those famous Toulouse Violets through the eyes of an imaginative child and will watch for all those violets to appear in spring with a reversed color scheme!
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